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How I Missed My #GOALS by Avoiding SYSTEMS

Updated: May 26

Stop Pleasing People Volume #1

How I Missed My #GOALS by Avoiding SYSTEMS

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Rita Mae Brown

This quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, actually comes from Rita Mae Brown's 1983 book Sudden Death, attributed to a fictional character named Jane Fulton.

The Power of Small Efforts

Oh, how the fruit performs, is born in the soil’s seed. Much of what we experience, we birthed. If we desire change, birthing it from anywhere outside ourselves is juvenile. Conceiving anything requires immense risk and sacrifice. Breaking from habitual patterns is easier said than done. Insanity, repeating the same actions expecting different results, seems safe and wise. It feels like living, but it’s merely avoiding the shadow of death.

Psalm 23:4 offers a divine rebuttal: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” This means the darkness is a liar, an intimidating, well-painted, paper-thin door appearing impenetrable. It’s an enemy to our fullest potential. Insanity is torture. Add trying to please people, and the stronghold grows stronger.

Setting and Achieving Goals

Step 1: Set the Goal

Set a goal effectively. Complaining about poor results without new behavior achieves nothing. Either go after it or let it go. Write down and set a measurable system to achieve your worthy goal.

Why set a goal?

Goals give us direction. Without direction, the steps to achieve anything are unknown. Systems are pointless without a clear destination. Productivity hacks won’t help if you don’t know why you need to be productive. For example, marketing campaigns will bleed your accounts if you don’t know your target demographic.

The goal doesn't have to be losing 30 lbs or earning one million dollars this year. It could be learning about coding. Identify something you lack, requiring faith and new habits.

Step 2: Form a Strategy

  • What has worked for you in the past? If your goal is similar to past successes, use a similar structure. Execute using proven methods. What has worked for others in the past? Look at successful people in your industry. What did they do? Success leaves clues and sometimes clear tactical instructions.

  • For Example: Amazon's Customer-Centric Approach: Amazon has consistently focused on customer satisfaction to drive growth. By using customer feedback to improve services, introducing Prime membership for better customer retention, and continuously innovating to meet customer needs, Amazon has built a loyal customer base and achieved significant success. If your business has seen success with a customer-centric approach, continue to prioritize customer feedback and innovate based on their needs.

Step 3: Take One-Time Actions

  • What can you do once that will pay off forever? Spend money or time wisely. Hire a coach, join a networking group, or find a mentor. Surround yourself with the right people for swift change. We have all been in school or currently attending classes now. A few examples of taking one-time actions that pay off forever:

  • For Example: Creating a Study Guide Template: Developing a robust study guide template for your courses can save time in the future. Once you have a solid format, you can reuse it for different subjects, ensuring you study effectively and consistently.

  • For Example: Learning a Productivity Tool: Investing time in mastering a productivity tool like Microsoft Excel or project management software can have lasting benefits. These skills are useful in multiple classes and projects, enhancing your efficiency and performance throughout your academic career.

Step 4: Create a System for Daily Action

Break down your goal into daily actions that lead to larger results over time. Track your actions in a journal. For example, if your goal is to close 10 new customers per month:

  • Weekly Goal: Close 2.5 customers per week.

  • Meetings Per Week: Conduct 10 meetings with qualified prospects.

  • Touch Points Per Week: Execute 30-50 personalized touches per week.

For example, if I were continuing with a sales and prospecting analogy, here is the math breakdown:

  • Conversion Rates:

  • 10 meetings per week × 25% conversion rate = 2.5 customers closed per week.

  • Touch Points to Meetings:

  • 30-50 touches per week × 20-33% conversion rate = 6-16.5 meetings per week.

Step 5: Commit to Action

Leverage a rule like the 10/30/100 rule:

  • First 10 Days: Assess if your actions are productive and sustainable.

  • Next 30 Days: Aim for consistent, small progress. Quotes to keep in mind:

  • "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." – Vincent Van Gogh

  • "Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned." – Peter Marshall

  • "Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." – Winston Churchill

If you maintain consistent actions for 30 days, you’ll see progress. You may not achieve your ultimate goal immediately, but you’ll be moving in the right direction.

100 Days to Change Your Life

Commit to 100 days of effort towards your routine. You don't need to be perfect. Even if you’re 85% compliant, you’ll see major progress. Remember, the goal is not perfection but persistence. If you fall, get back up and start again.

Change your life by committing to small, consistent efforts. Get up and go get your life!

For more insights on goal setting and productivity, check out Timothy Keller’s thoughts on identity and purpose. For practical tips on achieving your goals, read Business Insider’s guide to effective goal setting.

By focusing on small, daily actions and committing to a clear plan, you can achieve your goals and transform your life.

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